N - iall










Ritch for the stars, jump every mountain high yeah, ritch for the stars





I love....


Ready, three, two, one, goooo!!


This is the most beautiful gif in the world and every time I se it I melt


Some pretty good faces


Harry trying to do the irish boss dance, Zayn get hard just to look at Nialls immitation of Louis douggie and Liam is the serious one trying to sing


Oh lord




The most beautiful picture of Zayn


Flirty one


Give me a mwwwwwaaaaaahh


plaid and hair is everything he need


Five different colours


What Lou does on every recording, can't blame


One Thing - Gif bomb


The perfect yellow boy


His hair, His hair, falls perfectly without he's trying


Like old friends that loves to be together and singing, but this isn't old it's now and new


Beauty and the Beast



Just can't let go of him





If he could look at me like that, like i'm was he's one thing


Oldie and lovelie


Gotta Be You



Be a boss like Boobear




Do your verry verry best pose and show the world


Stoles my heart and doing nothing


Shoot me, please


He's lips, eyes, hair, face and nose


I saw, everything


Smile baby, as wild and wide you can.


The New Beatles - Even better cause there is five of them


Harry looking good today!




Tell me the story and i will scream


You're........ okay!


Louis Tomlinson


That thing you're doing with you lips makes me wanna....


Hi loverboy


Fail - Harry and "twilight Emmett"

We like Harry's belly just like it is, hate pictures that's edit of fan...
Hope you see it's the same body up there?


What Makes You Beautiful

Some lovely shoot


Spoon attack

Link to the Q & A video here :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRz-jrRWdKw


Who do you think WE ARE


Aooouuutch, or what?!




One direction


Everyone let's get this party started!


Zayn - One thing


Liam Payne - One thing


Louis Tomlinson - One thing




Niall Horan - One Thing skills


Harry Styles

Åh, är han inte världens finaste? Haha, rätt synd, för han får alla andra killar att se ut som ingenting... Då menar jag ju inte killarna i One Direction, utan killar rätt allmänt liksom! ;D

Lite dålig kvalité på sista bilden, sorry!

Harry - One thing solo



Om sidan

Hej där!
Vi är ett par one direction influerade tjejer. Denna blogg är endast till för bilder. Den kommer att uppdateras dagligen och här hoppas vi att du finner det material du vill ha. Alla bilder vi har har vi föröskt få så bra kvalitet som vanligt på och det finns både bilder på killarna från photoshoots och i vardagen, på scen med mer!
Vi har samlat ihop de bästa bilderna vi själva tycker vi har hittat på killarna, både roliga och seriösa och vi hoppas att du kommer tycka lika dant och följa bloggen! Kram!
Observera att bilderna inte är våra egna!

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